Friday, November 17, 2023

A Somewhat Snarky Iron Flame Plot Summary

After I read Iron Flame, I spent some time trying to unpack my thoughts about it and deciding what I wanted to say about it. I started by trying to write a quick summary of the plot so I could talk about all of the things I thought were kind of stupid. Unfortunately, what I ended up writing wasn't a quick summary at all. It's actually over 2000 words. 

Anyway, here's my plot summary of Iron Flame. There are a lot of spoilers, but if you don't want to read Iron Flame and do want to know what happens in it, I humbly think reading this summary will be more fun for you than subjecting yourself to the book. I'm planning to write a proper review with more actual analysis soon, but I'm not sure when. So consider this supplementary reading for the review, whenever I actually finish it.

Here we go!

Thursday, November 2, 2023

October 2023 Wrap-Up: In Which I Am Even More Behind on Reviews

I went on vacation this month, and for some reason that meant I did almost no writing. Reviews included. I still want to catch up on reviewing at least some of the books I read last month as well as what I read this month, but admittedly, easing back into creative writing is higher priority. I don't know when those reviews will happen. 

In the meantime, have a monthly wrap-up! And a picture of my little pink cat plush.


 I really like this picture.

January and February: Best, Worst, and Most Mediocre

Hi everyone! Since I never seem to write normal chronological monthly wrap-ups in a timely fashion, I thought this time I would just split u...