Saturday, February 17, 2024

January 2024 Wrap-Up (yes, it's very late, but oh well)

It's mid February, so naturally it's finally time to post my January wrap-up.

This is the slowest January I've had since January of 2021, when I read exactly one book. But that's okay! It's not always about the quantity of books that you read, but the quality of the mediocre YA dystopians you reread. Or maybe the quality of the EXTREMELY GOOD, MUST-READ FANTASY TRILOGIES that you are still trying to get your traitor friends to read, so that you can TALK ABOUT THEM with people.

In other news, my new book club did not choose to read Fireborne as one of our next picks. But don't worry. I'm not discouraged. I'm ENcouraged! I'm energized! I'm actually going to redouble my efforts to get friends outside the book club to read the Aurelian Cycle! I'm not afraid to break into their houses and leave copies of Fireborne under their pillows...they can read it by osmosis, dammit!

If you know me in real life, please leave your windows unlocked at night <3 I have a book for you to read <3

Matched by Ally Condie

Publication Date: November 30th, 2010

Read: January 4th - 5th

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Listen, is Matched GOOD? Is it GROUNDBREAKING? Does it have effective commentary on society as it was in the 2010s? The answer to all these questions is: Well! Not really! And yet. As a true dystopian, it kind of flops. But as a dramatic and yet contemplative coming-of-age where We Live In a was fun to revisit.

Full review is already posted

Crossed by Ally Condie 

Publication Date: January 1st, 2013

Read: January 7th - 8th

Rating: 3/5 stars

 Crossed is one of many books in the larger trend of YA dystopian trilogies with truly terrible middle installments. It's amazing how many deals for trilogies were being handed out, considering how apparently no one knew how to write one effectively. That being said, Crossed started out relatively strong. The first half has promise. It's the second half where we start to flounder around in canyons and accomplish next to nothing.

I have a review posted for this one as well if you want to read more of my thoughts on it.


Crown of Coral and Pearl by Mara Rutherford

Publication Date: August 27th, 2019

Read: January 14th - 15th

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

This was an alright one. It definitely exceeded my admittedly-low expectations, even if it didn't entirely stick its own landing. At this point, I'm definitely not feeling any desire to read the sequel, but I more or less enjoyed reading this book.

Full review

City of Bones by Martha Wells

Publication Date: September 5th, 2023 (Originally published in 1995; this is the revised re-release)

Read: December 29th - January 16th

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

I've been meaning to get around to reading the revised version of City of Bones ever since I listened to the audiobook, and at the end of December I thought I might be in the mood for a reread of something, so I decided it was time. And then it took me several weeks to actually finish the book. But that's life.

It's always weird when you read something as an audiobook for the first time and then you read the print book and almost hear echoes of the audiobook narrator in your head as you're reading the words on the page. I'm not the only one this happens to, right?

Flamefall by Rosaria Munda

Publication Date: March 23rd, 2021

Read: January 17th - 19th

Rating: 5/5 stars

Flamefall, Flamefall, Flamefall...I really want to write up reviews for all three books in this series, but I wish I started sooner. I feel like my mind is a sieve sometimes. But uh, this book was really good! It adds a new POV character whose perspective is really great when it comes to broadening the story and giving us a sense of the wider world. Lee got on my nerves quite a bit during this book, but like...I get it, I guess. And it was never so bad that I was actively skimming his chapters, I was just eagerly rooting for him to get his head out of his ass. I think this book is also what started to solidify Power as one of my favorite characters from this series. He's terrible and yet...I love him. 

So those are some of my vague ramblings. I really am aspiring to do a more comprehensive review soon. If nothing else, I seriously need to convince people to read these books with me.

Lady Macbeth by Ava Reid

Expected Publication Date: August 6th, 2024

Read: January 19th - 20th

Rating: 1/5 stars

Yeah, I did not like this book. I disliked it so much that I was actually the first person to post a 1-star review to Goodreads. It's definitely the worse of the two Ava Reid books I've read, and from looking at other reviews, it may be their worst book out of all 4 they've published so far. So yeah.

I don't want to dwell on this book too much. I do have a full review up with more details on why I dislike this book. It's a very snarky review, but in my defense, the book really annoyed me. I get snarky when I'm annoyed. It's my nature. If you don't like it, I genuinely don't know why you're here. My snark is part of my charm.


Furysong by Rosaria Munda

Publication Date: August 9th, 2022

Read: January 19th - 20th

Rating: 4.5/5 stars, I think

Reading this book was so interesting. Overall, I think it was a really good conclusion to the series, but there was a little bit of time at the beginning where I felt like the events at the beginning of the book just didn't live up to the drama of Flamefall's cliffhanger. But we got there. I wonder what it would have been like to read these as they released, instead of binging these two in quick succession like I did. I'm sure it can make a significant difference.

Starling House by Alix E. Harrow

Publication Date: October 3rd, 2023

Read: January 26th

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

I read this for book club! The new one that I'm in that doesn't want to read Fireborne with me >:(. I probably wouldn't have picked it up on my own, even though I had multiple friends recommending it to me, because I'm a monster sometimes. I didn't love this book, but I liked it. I just posted my review to Goodreads, but I haven't posted it here yet.

In short, this book reminds me of Howl's Moving Castle meets Sorcery of Thorns meets the several episodes I watched of It's Okay to Not Be Okay. There's an unloved (or so she thinks) antiheroine who's rough around the edges. There's a sentient house. There's a creepy and yet pivotal children's book. There are weird dream monsters. There's a kind of ugly guy with a sword and a lot of issues. There's Kentucky. 

Also, this was my first Alix Harrow book. I'm not sure yet whether I feel inspired to pick up more Alix Harrow or not.

And there you have it! Those were the 8 books I read in January. There were some highs, there were some February, I got a kindle, and I may or may not have immediately started a couple more YA dystopians, so look forward to hearing my thoughts on Perfected and the Selection at some point.






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I read somewhere* that one of the original titles that Rachel Hartman was considering for this book was Drachomachia, and I'm honestly a...